The Widows Offering

This sermon discusses the significant impact of small acts of giving, using the example of a widow’s offering in the week before Easter. It emphasises various motives for giving, including gratitude, seeking God’s favour, belief in God’s work, compassion, and expressing priorities. The central narrative focuses on a poor widow who donates two small coins to the temple treasury, an act that Jesus commends not for its financial value but for the profound trust and faith it represents. This widow’s offering symbolizes a complete reliance on God, contrasting with the larger, possibly prideful donations of the wealthy. The sermon extends this biblical story to encourage listeners to examine their motives for giving and to consider how their own acts of giving reflect their trust in God. It also reassures that giving, regardless of the outcome or the institution’s integrity, is commendable as long as it’s done in faith and trust in God. The preacher concludes by expressing gratitude to the congregation for their generous giving, reinforcing the importance of contributing to God’s work as an expression of trust and faith.

March 17, 2024

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