On Sunday our spotlight artist was Michelle Adetunji with her crochet hook. As the service began I wondered how this would turn out, crochet is not known for its worship enhancing characteristics. However, as the spotlight moved from the wool to the dancers and back again I suddenly realised that it was indeed a prophetic worship hook. It was perfect that Michelle had been inspired to offer her talents in worship as a creative artist.

The crochet hook was like a dancer, as it moved it reflected the movement of the music, words and dancers on the screen. Together they weaved a story of hope and love. And so it was that I realised we are like the wool, simple thread that when taken up by the crochet hook, Jesus, we become entwined in his love and grace. Then the Holy Spirit skillfully weaves us into the purposes of God, shaping us and making us purposeful and complete.
After the service Michelle shared a few words with me and a verse that she had been thinking about. She said ,”God, the first Creator, made us in His image, so we are made to create like He does and be creative in what we do.” Her mum, Bukky, added, “Communicating with God via worshipping brings His presence, His blessings and His joy overflowing in our lives.”

“And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship”.
Exodus 35:31
I’m now sold completely on crochet in worship, a prophetic illustration of our relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit! What’s your worship looking like in lockdown?