Have a look at the map below, and choose a location to pray for. You can write in the comments below where your prayer is for and what it is.
Here are some prayer requests from some of our congregation who work with charities or missionaries around the world:
Beth, Cry in the Dark, Romania:
“Our nurses are still visiting really vulnerable people in their homes and our hospice still has 14 beds that are each full of a child with a life limiting or life threatening illness.
We are praying our staff stay fit and healthy and can therefore continue to offer amazing treatment.
At Casa Lumina our young people are safe and well but again just protection over their homes and health!
We are running out of cleaning materials in all our projects and Romania has a national shortage so for Gods provision in all areas please.”
Roger, Transformed International, Across Africa
“Several of our teams live in countries that have imposed Coronavirus lockdown like we have here, but without the government help that’s available here in the UK. This means severe hardship for many, without easy access to funds, food and medical care. Pray for protection and provision for all.
Many hundreds of Congolese refugees have been crossing into Uganda on a weekly basis, fleeing murderous rebel hostility. Now the borders have been closed, there will be much deprivation and fear. The situation is not helped by the DR Congo government being in denial of the crisis, meaning there is no practical help available from their government. We’ve heard that some Congolese churches are mobilising to help with food, etc. Again, pray for protection and provision and that many churches will be stirred up to assist where they can.”